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When Cities and Counties Record a Violation Notice on Private Property

In recent years local governments have ramped up their investigation and prosecution of private property owners who allegedly have in place non-permitted structures on their property. Frequently the government records violation notices, or “red tags,” in the recorder’s office listing the alleged zoning violations. The effect can be catastrophic for property owners, who cannot refinance or sell their property with the red tag in place. The onus is then on the owner to initiate costly litigation to have the red tag removed, or expunged. In Santa Cruz County alone, there are hundreds if not thousands of properties with red tags clouding title, many of which have been on the record books for over ten years.

If you have a red tag on your property, call the Constitutional property lawyers at Kassouni Law for a consultation 1 (877) 770-7379. Tim Kassouni will speak with you personally to assess your property’s red tag matter.

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